First you go or here to start the account registration. Click on the " Register " or " Join Now " to register as shown below:
1. They must include the name and do not sign, no white space in between.
2. Gmail is email, Gmail and Gmail which is often used to login to your Paypal tk.
2. Passwords must be 8 to 15 characters, including 1 to 5 digits and special characters at least 1ky such as! @ # $% ^ & * () _ +.
1. They must include the name and do not sign, no white space in between.
2. Gmail is email, Gmail and Gmail which is often used to login to your Paypal tk.
2. Passwords must be 8 to 15 characters, including 1 to 5 digits and special characters at least 1ky such as! @ # $% ^ & * () _ +.
How to set up a security question and the account information: After login you need to report additional information to complete the documents as follows.Click Member Tools and select Profile as shown below:
2. How to make money with TrafficNCash:
Step 1: Upgrade membership $ 10 / admiration g (compulsory if buy over 10 packages - that purchase over 250 $)
You go to Member Tools and select Account Upgrade as shown below:

Note: The process of upgrading Member account only use the money from your PayPal account

Step 2: Add Funds to account (Remittance to the account)
You select the " Finance ", click on " Ad Funds " and fill in the information as shown below:


Payment gateway you can use one of these categories: PayPal, Payza, Solid Trust Pay.
Step 3: Purchase Shares (Buy Ads)
You select the " Finance ", click on " Purchase Shares " and choose to purchase a suitable Ads as shown below:
Step 4: Complete the quest to receive daily interest
When bought Ads finished, click on " Overview " to conduct an ad click 6 to receive interest every day, if you do not click within 24 hours 6 ad enough, you will not receive money on account.

Click Next part: You Are Yet To Surf 6 Ads Today

Next ad Click Banner as shown below:

Wait about 5 seconds until the time appears the words: Your click bị credited! You may close this window now. Now You Click: Go back to TrafficNcash Ads To continue watching the rest as shown below:

TrafficNcash (TNC) is a genre Revshare site based operations Net sales Adpacks / Share (Equivalent to 1 investment packages) and the hourly rate paid to members giamua Adpack / Share.
TrafficNcash (TNC) - Initiated by Jean Duclerne - The father of Revshare use PayPal - will officially operate at 2 am Sunday on 11 - 10 - 2015 (now Vietnam). Admin Cole is experienced using Paypal Revshare most frustrating.The principle of operation of the TNC same as MyPayingAds Revshare, VenuePlugTraffic
Jean is also the administrator of Duclerne Revshare - ClickAdPays (CAP) a very thanhcong Revshare 1 year ago, Jean had to pay $ 1.2 million for CAP participants trongmot short time and ready for the Refund published online before closing CAPVi Jean DucLerne it can be said is a very TRANSPARENCY Admin and very experienced in the operation and management viecdieu Revshare.
TNC is a place of gathering of the Leaders, Promoters, Admins, Revshares strongest Investors currently tai.Chac sure one thing we will not worry about starving capital. With Re-Purchase rate Origins 40/60 + Admin + Equal Revshare category. TNC their assessment will be a very reliable Revshare!
Some characteristics:
- Adpacks of TrafficNcash package has completed $ 25 and $ 30, corresponding to 120% ROI
- Interest is paid every 30 minutes.
- 3 TrafficNcash accept the Paypal payment gateway, Payza and STP.
- Be verified paypal site since 2006 and is one of the cleanest PP Ever among Revshare site.
- Min Max paid $ 25 and $ 250 from No. 2 to No. 6 weekly. Saturday, CN can not withdraw money.
- TNC has SiteLock + SSL Comodo security under the company name of the TNC.
- Do not allow a member has multiple accounts and registered under his own ref Link. Only allow one account under one IP address.
- DC members do not upgrade purchase up to 10 packages. If you buy over 10 packages ($ 250), the member must upgrade costs $ 10 per month.
- New DC reg bonus $ 5 to your account and the program ended on 10-12-2015.
- Members may purchase up to 1600 packages.
- Members want to receive advertising rates should see 1 day 6.
- FB Admin:
- Group FB:
Note: Registration information must be accurate with their real names. Must complete payment gateway address (Email) precisely because Adpacks Investments purchased, upgraded member with an address (email) payment gateway does Drawn with Address (Email) payment gateway.

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